What a cool day. When I say today was a cool day, I mean freezing cold. I felt like I was an ice cube or in Antarctica or something.
Today we went to an Ice Bar. My nerves were shaking. I just could not wait to go. Finally, we arrived all bundled up. We walked in what I thought would be a bar that served ice but no ... everything was made of ice. I was in Iceland. It was exactly like a store but everything was made of ice.
There were ice cups in which they served ice drinks, an ice gondola that you could sit on and drink water and play, ice photo booth which was one of my favorites. It was a photo booth made of ice and you would take pictures when you were inside. Next we walked a little further while passing an ice fire.
We put down our ice drinks on the ice table under the ice light and went to play ice hockey. The hockey table was made of ice. My sister and I played a few games.
After we needed a break, so we sat down in the ice chair next to the ice bear and relaxed. We got out of the chair and discovered something fascinating. It was snowing. No wonder I could not feel my hand. It was below zero which is colder than Antarctica. So we walked by the big ice penguin and sat by the ice fire. Wow, what a cool day.
But then we had to go, so we all took our ice cups and broke them in an ice container. We were in the ice bar for an hour. I was not ready to ice out. I felt so mad like I was cold hearted. Well, we left. I was so sad to leave. All I know is that I will never go back because my mom is not a cold fan.
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